• Weekend Quote

    "Do it now. Sometimes Later Becomes Never"
    Illustration by bijdevleet

    I really love this quote right now and I need to remind myself of it when it comes to working out. My husband and I joined a gym about a month ago and we have been going three times a week. Trying to get yourself to workout on a beautiful sunny Saturday was more difficult than anticipated. Having a few martinis last night didn't help either. :) Fortunately my husband convinced me to go and I am happy he did. He keeps saying if we stop we may never go back and I know how true that can be. I've been enjoying the feeling of working out so I hope I don't stop. How do you stay motivated to exercise or does it just come naturally for you?

    Hope your weekend is going well!

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    2 comments → Weekend Quote

    1. I am at a similar point...trying to get motivated to exercise. This quote certainly reminded me to get off my behind and move! Thanks. I have been admiring your blog and all the beautiful Etsy postings...Lovely!

    2. Hi Katy!

      Your welcome! I am glad you like my etsy posts. You have a lovely shop! :)

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