• Friday Mood Board: Be Happy

    I had a really crappy day yesterday. You know that feeling when everything is going fine and then bam! something bad happens and you cant do anything but just go along with it and take everything one step at a time? I have to remind myself that bad things happen to everyone and we all can get through it someway or another. I thought about putting up depressing pictures and I decided not to. I am going to try to switch my mood around and remember the good things in life. Bubbles, sunshine, nature, happiness.....

    {click on images for source}

    I hope everyone has a nice weekend!

    15 comments → Friday Mood Board: Be Happy

    1. beautiful! i love the image on the bottom left. so inspiring :)

      xo Alison

    2. Aww... I'm so sorry, Rachel. Hope you're feeling a little better about things today. Send me an email if you want to "talk". Here's a HUG! :)

    3. I hope you feel better soon - Your blog always cheers me up - the colors, the photographs - You spread cheer and deserve some back.

    4. WOW i just love everything!!!
      thank you so much for the inspiration!!!

    5. Aww! How terrible is it that you made me laugh out loud, though, that you said you were *going* to post depressing pics? I suppose I mostly laughed bc um, I sooo do that -- and I, again, am left in admiration of you -- this time, for lifting us up than trying to drag us down! Although I say that bc I am so in that party, of misery loves company, and sometimes it feels good to just be plain moody + cranky, you know :D? A-hem -- I do hope your day turns around, your happy post certainly helped me out (but at 6:30p on a Friday, and no end soon in sights for me to leave the office, gah, i am feeling gray!) A-hem -- have a terrific weekend!!

    6. Oh this is beautiful. Was feeling cranky and grumpy and this got me to smile and lifted the gloom. Good selection and THANKS. Jane

    7. Oh, we all have days like that! Sometimes they last even longer. Better to put up these lovely images and share them with us! I love the swishy blue dresses on the whimsical, skipping girls!

      Happy weekend!

    8. OH my... so happy!!! Such a cheerful post and lovely blues...

    9. Oh no, so sorry to hear about your awful day. Here's hoping that you have a wonderful weekend that makes up for it. Beautiful images!

    10. Hi Rachel,
      i hope youre having a brighter day today sweetheart.
      I have just finished looking through the new online catalogue and had to write to say what a superb job you've done and how gorgeous it is!
      I have found so many lovely new sellers.
      Thankyou for sharing it with us,
      Love n wishes Kat x

    11. Oh Rachel, I hope the sunshine and the weekend bring an end to the rubbish week and begin the start of a much better one.

      Wishing you a happy, positive weekend dear.


    12. I know the feeling... Good for you for going against it and thinking happy thoughts!
      I hope your funk is over by now, and that you're enjoying a fun-filled holiday weekend!

    13. Adorable photos! Have a nice weekend and thanks for the sweet comment on my blog :)

    14. I know the feeling exactly! But you've chosen some perfect images to bring happiness.
      Lovely blog.

    15. Sorry to hear of your bad day. The decision to post cheery photos was a good one though! Your pics are so pretty & happy.

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