• Beautiful Bend Oregon

    All photos from my Pinterest Board HERE>>

    My husband and I are in the process of purchasing a house in Bend, Oregon! We went to the mainland a few weeks back to check out different areas and absolutely fell in love with this amazing town. Maui has been good to us but we want to have a small lovely home more than anything in the world right now and as you might assume they are a little pricey here on the island.

    I started a pinterest board of some gorgeous photos from Bend. There is so much beauty in this area. Gotta love the Pacific Northwest. Check out more photos HERE>>

    Have you ever been to Bend? Everything I have heard is so great. Let me know your thoughts! :)

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    9 comments → Beautiful Bend Oregon

    1. Gorgeous, Stunning, AWESOME, LOVE these!

    2. Hi Rachel! Glad I stopped by to hear your exciting news! I really love Oregon (what I've seen of it) and the weather is pretty mild and keeps things green. I'm happy for you two! Your photos are beautiful:...pinning)



    3. Thank you Jennifer! :)

    4. Rachel,
      Welcome to Bend! Noted your photo's on my Google Alerts and they are absolutely stunning. My better half - Stefanie - was a Senior Art Director at Talbots in Boston and we both found the composition and lighting orchestrated perfectly in capturing the WOW of where we live in Central Oregon. My wife shoots a Nikon D700 with a mixture of 24 1.2 mil, 50m fixed and 70-200 VR. I believe you'll love this fantastic community.
      Dave & Stefanie

    5. so pretty
      I need a camera

    6. I haven't been there but I am from Washington and the PNW is just the best! It would be a great place to buy a house, so congratulations! I recently moved to southern California and I just know that one day I will be back!

    7. No I know a little of the backstory! Congratulations and welcome back! ;)

    8. Bend looks like the places I love. Small town surrounded by a lot of natural attractions. This town is compiting with my desires of visiting the Oregon coast.

    9. This is most informative and also this post most user friendly and super navigation to all posts. Thank you so much for giving this information to me.
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