• I am Ready for August!

    I have to say I am a happy this week is over. Its been a bit rough on me but I am happy that I am a strong enough person to get through it. Sometimes I don't feel that way but I really have come to understand more why people can stoop so low. I can't let them get to me or bring me down with them. As hard as it is to release that bad energy within in you its the only way to move on. Can you tell I am ready for a new month? I think its going to be great! I have lots of things to look forward too. I will be moving into a house, going to Portland, OR for a camping trip and oh yeah my birthday on the 19th! :)
    Photo from buttonmooon
    Thank you for reading and for your continued support! I hope everyone has a great weekend!

    24 comments → I am Ready for August!

    1. i'm sorry that you've had a bad week. i too, have not had the most pleasant week. :( i hope that things start to look up for you!


    2. Sorry for a bad week but yah for the positive outlook!! Happy early birthday. Mine is actually tomorrow, 7/31!!

    3. Great image find. Hope the new month brings with it more positivity and joy in your life. Have a great week-end!

    4. So sorry to hear you've had a bad week... hope next week and next month is better!! Congrats on the new house!

    5. positive thinking!I like it!!!keep walking as the famous ad says!


    6. i think the positives outweigh the negatives. bring on august just for you. enjoy your weekend!

    7. Oh honey! Hang in there!! Just remember: you live in Maui and are moving into a fabulous house!!! Vacation is coming up and then you return to Paradise.

      Have a super weekend!

    8. last week was my bad/awful/depressing week, so i know how you feel, and i'm glad you're feeling better.

      have a fab weekend! and happy birthday!

    9. Bring on the new month! And that bit closer to the change of season... always good for a fresh slate. Happy Birthday to you!

    10. Oh Rachel, I guess you already have the right attitude, stick to it! Be positive, and don't let the bed bugs bite you, keep moving forward into a new day and be strong! Better days will come, they always do... however don't deny the less good days... they are meaningful too! And as in for me... you are quite ready for August!! :) xo, Twiggs

    11. Awww, honey, I'm sad to hear it sounds like someone made you sad! But I love your frame of mind -- that with the end of the week, it's the end of that negativity, and time for that rainbow!! I hope you have a fantastic weekend, and that August + beyond, are fun fun fun for you :)!

    12. I hope Aug is better for you hun!!! Have a relaxing fab weekend:-)

    13. Thank you Rachel for sharing this beautiful portal that we can all use to move forward into a fresh month and bright future. This summer has been a bit overwhelming for me too, physically and emotionally challenging. Thankful for the new innovations you implement on Lovely Clusters, how much work you put into the LC gallery site and here on your blog. Hugs to you and may you keep climbing the rainbow, you certainly bring joyful color into many lives. More Hugs, Jane

    14. lovely blog!


    15. Yes, and August is a great month because it still feels and acts like summer! Hope you have a good start into August tomorrow ;-)! Perhaps you like the new August wallpaper on my blog? Feel very welcome to download: http://neu4bauer.blogspot.com/2010/07/wallpaper-august-2010.html.

      Best, Theresa

    16. I just got back from Oregon. I've lived in northern California all my life and it was the first time I had been there! Ha....it's really beautiful though. Have fun!

    17. Thank you so much for all of your generous comments! They have really lifted my spirits. :)

    18. Rachel, I'm so sorry this month has been so rough on you. You're a pleasure to work with on Lovely Clusters and I love reading your blog as well. I can already tell August will be better - you have such a positive outlook on it already, it is bound to be. I've found the best thing to do is just cut the negative people with the negative energy right out of your life and don't look back - it works wonders!

    19. Your blog is awesome! Here is hoping that August and the months that follow... will bring you much in the way of good carma :)

    20. Sorry for my spelling error...I meant karma :) Too early here :)

    21. oooooh that pic is fabulous xxxx

    22. Absolutely agree with you! August is here, and I'm happy :) All the best!

    23. So sorry to hear of your downer week Rachel. Some people dread Mondays, but I see it as the start of what could be a wonderful week. Interesting timing, seeing this lovely rainbow pic. I dreamed of a moonbow last week and scheduled to run a post about one today. Happy early birthday - mine is on the 7th and my husband's is on the 18th.

    24. Sorry about the stress of July.
      I just moved to Portland, OR from Honolulu! Small world. Let me know if you need any visiting information (sight seeing, restaurants, etc.).

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