• Lovely Bloggers: Hooray & Oh Hello Friend

    I am so happy to say I have sold my first card on etsy! And the person that purchased it is Alli Michelle who blogs on Hooray! I absolutely adore her blog and I want to share with you some of her lovely work that I found on her flickr page. Arent these so cute?

    Also, yesterday I woke up to see a post on Oh hello friend dedicated to me and all my blogs. It really made my day and I was all smiles and still am! :) So I want to share some of her lovely designs. So pretty!


    Thank you so much ladies for making my week shine and sharing your beautiful work with us!
    I hope everyone has a safe and fun fourth of July! Have a blast!

    9 comments → Lovely Bloggers: Hooray & Oh Hello Friend

    1. Congratulations! And happy weekend!

    2. Love the thank you cards, which I must be saying 'Thank you!' for wishing me a happy birthday :) Have a great 4th!

    3. Congratulations Rachel!

      Your cards are beautiful!

    4. Congratulations.

      I just found your blog :) Looking forward to drink my coffee and browse through you x3 blogs :)

      Your are so ambitious, something to admire.

      All the best :)

      /Anna Caroline
      Design Studio 210

    5. such pretty packaging!!

    6. Hey there! Thank you so much for the sweet comment. It warms extra since I had just changed the layout :)

      "nice to meet you too" ;)

      Are you both educated as an Interior and Graphic designer? Why am wondering is since I am taking courses in both myself.

      /Anna Caroline
      Design Studio 210

    7. Good stuff!

    8. congratulations on having your blog featured :)
      the little etsy things are so pretty...i love the packaging

    9. hurray, congrats on your first sale! that is so exciting! :)

      and thanks for posting the pics! it was a well deserved post, i LOVE all your blogs!

      have a lovely day rachel!


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    Thank you for your lovely comments! They make my day!